Hi Kingsley,
I know I should lead the way. However the winds are against me so you would g
et over here first!
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand
Mob +64 210640221
> On 6/09/2017, at 11:21 PM, Kingsley Hurst <kingsnjan@westnet.com.au> wrote
> Thank you one and all for your kind words and encouragement both on and of
f list. I=99m really quite surprised at the level of support given so
many have already gone before. . . . guess it proves we don=99t have
to all purchase a Toyota to enjoy that =9COh! what a feeling=9D
experience. Also proves of course what a great band of people we have on o
ur Europa List.
> Graeme Engine is the plain original 912 80 HP
> Tim In case you haven=99t noticed, it is the same distance ac
ross the ditch in both directions . . . . . I=99m waiting on you mate t
o show me how it=99s done!!
> Jonathan Your observations and assumptions were 100% correct my friend.
> David GXSDJ I will endeavour to oblige as requested for the Europa Fly
er but it may take a little time sorry.
> Pete One of my Grandsons has insisted I install his Go Pro so hopefully
there may be some more footage one day.
> Clive My mainwheel fairing is not a work of art like some but I=99
ll send you something off list.
> Cheers
> Kingsley
> PS Haven=99t had a chance to commit aviation again yet . . . . L
ife is already getting in the way of flying just as it did with the building
! and people asked me what I was going to do in retirement???