Not sure which standard your aircraft needs to comply with, but CS-VLA contains
some "common sense" advice on propeller clearance.
CS-VLA 925 Propeller clearance
Unless smaller clearances are substantiated,
propeller clearances with the aeroplane at
maximum weight, with the most adverse centre
of gravity, and with the propeller in the most
adverse pitch position, may not be less than the
(a) Ground clearance. There must be a
clearance of at least 180 mm (for each aeroplane
with nose wheel landing gear) or 230 mm (for
each aeroplane with tail wheel landing gear)
between each propeller and the ground with the
landing gear statically deflected and in the level,
normal take-off, or taxying attitude, whichever is
most critical. In addition, for each aeroplane
with conventional landing gear struts using fluid
or mechanical means for absorbing landing
shocks, there must be positive clearance between
the propeller and the ground in the level take-off
attitude with the critical tyre completely deflated
and the corresponding landing gear strut
bottomed. Positive clearance for aeroplanes
using leaf spring struts is shown with a
deflection corresponding to 15 g.
The complete document can be found here:
Hope that is of some use to you.
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