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Re: Europa-List: Full trigear speed kit vs hinge fairings only

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Full trigear speed kit vs hinge fairings only
From: Fred Klein <>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 17:59:39

> On Oct 11, 2017, at 5:16 PM, jonathanmilbank <> 
< <>>
> I'm reliably informed that the full trigear speed kit, in accurate 
flight tests before and after installation and flown level at Wide Open 
Throttle in calm air, showed a full 10 knot speed gain. I'm also 
informed that the same test performed at 65% power (4800 rpm, 26") gives 
about a 5 knot gain.
> But I would prefer to fit only the flap and fuselage hinge fairings, 
partly because they weigh altogether approx. 1 kg while the full speed 
kit weighs 4.1 kg (9 lbs).

With the assumption that the wheel spats are part of =9Cthe full 
trigger speed kit=9D, irrespective of the weight implications, I 
would venture that they are the major source of the speed gain

When you refer to =9Cflap and fuselage hinge fairings=9D
(since the fuselage fairings are part of the flap mechanism)I
=99m not sure if you=99re referring to both the fairings on the 
fuselage and the fairings on the wings...the frontal area of the flap 
hinge wing fairings makes me suspect of any claimed benefit from their 
installationwhereas the fuselage hinge fairings also function 
to close holes in the fuselage...

- just the uninformed opinions of a would-be mono-driver


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