There isn't a simple answer to this. If you are a beginner to fibreglass
and building a Europa, you really need an expert to look at the problem
and to guide you, otherwise you risk doing unnecessary work and possibly
serious damage. Where are you. The Europa Club may be able to put you in
touch with a local builder or expert. Otherwise I would suggest looking
for a firm which repairs gliders, as they should have the relevant
Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ (.& Chairman of Europa club)
On 2017-11-18 00:30, Vlodek9 wrote:
> Hello all
> IEUR(tm)m looking for suggestions as to what materials I should use regarding
delimitation and cracking on the Europa main wing and fuselage.
> With so many advancements in available materials, I feel overwhelmed in making
my purchase decisions. Further more, I have no practical experience, only
based on what I have read and watched on the internet.
> Issues:
> Fiberglass delaminate spots on main wing (core not effected).
> Filler/bondo (dry micro??) delaminate spots on main wing.
> Hairline cracks (spiderweb) on fuselage and cowl
> So with this in mind, the following list is what I think I need to purchase
> but
need suggestions on.
> EUR1. Which resin should I use:
> a. Epoxy, polyester, laminating, gel coat, etc
> 2. Faring compound for pits and surface shaping
> a. Bondo, filler, dry micro, etc
> *Please recommend brand names and type of product so I can track it down and
> Finally, I know that the Europa uses unidirectional and bidirectional cloth,
but for some reason I canEUR(tm)t seem to locate what thickness I should get.
> Again, I am a novice at this so any advice as to what materials I should buy
and where, would be very appreciated.
> Thank you
> Read this topic online here:
> [1]