/Le 19/11/2017 19:47, Richard Wheelwright a crit :
> /Im having to replace my throttle cables, as general maintenance has
> revealed the the STBD carburettor was failing to advance to fully
> open. On further investigation it was found that the cable was tight
> in the outer sleeve. Ok, fully removed the same cable was also kinked
> at the lever in the throttle box. Has anyone found a good fix or
> improvements for this? /
Richard and all,
The idea of relying on a spring to ensure throttle opening seems
peculiar to Rotax.
The following fix is flying on hundreds of Rotax powered aircraft
without any problem :
Replace the cables with piano wires so that the throttle somehow becomes
a push-pull control.
This is a definitive cure for kinked cables at the throttle, excessive
cable friction, loss of synch etc.
BTW, thousands of Lycoming or Continental aircraft are flying with a
push-pull throttle control and no spring.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,