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Re: Europa-List: Re: Resins, faring compounds, etc, Need help

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Resins, faring compounds, etc, Need help
From: Alex Kaarsberg <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2017 09:22:38

The areas you mentioned of the fuselage, that have a web-like appearance could
be caused by shrinking paint/filler, or in the worst case, by impact damage to
the sandwich leading to the collapse of the thin foam core. 
For this case, there are instructions in the mail list somewhere. 

A simple and effective way to look through it is to do just that, with a strong
(cool) light placed on the inside of the fuselage. 


Alex Kaarsberg

> On 18 Nov 2017, at 18:10, Vlodek9 <> wrote:
> I'm attaching a pic of a snapped off pice of what I think is the filler.  I do
believe that this is the case in most if not all of the bubbles that are on
the wing.
> I want to thank everyone that replied so far.  You guys gave me allot to think
about and yes, depending on what I find once I open all the bubbles, I may 
to take it to a professional. 
> However, I am still interested in what materials (filler, resin, etc) are 
> suggested
for working with as it pertains to the Europa.  I would like to learn about
this stuff and unfortunately the best way I learn is hands on and by making
mistakes.  Not on the airplane in this case, but practicing on the "bench".

> So if anyone does have experience with a certain resin, filler, etc that 
> he/she
would recommend, please let me know the brand/type/manufactures and I'll start
my research/learning.
> Thanks
> Read this topic online here:
> Attachments: 

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