Sorry for the delayed response, however, it seems I haven=99t been
receiving the Europa List Digest. Thought I would check the Matronics
site and sure enough I missed the last week or so of email traffic.
Anyway, as Jim & Heather noted in their post I used a Bowden cable from
Aircraft Spruce (p/n 05-15500) and wrapped it around a small round cable
bushing, AN111-3, forming a =9C?=9D This way the cable end
s up on the centerline on the bushing. I can=99t recall if I Red
ux it or soldered the cable to the busing. Has worked without issue for
the last 15 years.
Also, using a Bowden cable is in my opinion superior to the Rotax cable.
With the latter you must rely on the springs to advance the cable as y
ou can=99t effectively push a rope. There has been at least one i
ncident in which the cable kinked when the throttle was advanced too qui
ckly. This can=99t happen with a Bowden cable as it is designed fo
r push-pull applications.
Good luck,
Erich Trombley
Europa Classic 914
We Say GoodBye To Sally Fields