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RE: Europa-List: Trigear brakes

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Trigear brakes
From: Bud Yerly <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2017 19:15:25

I just put a heavily revised brake installation guide for the trigear on my
 website, I will clean it up after three other projects.  Aileron trim firs
t, rudder trim next and then more stuff on the we
bsite and to the Europa Club as well.  For those in the UK we can organize 
some of the brake install ideas from the past into acceptable approved mods
 I=92m sure with little work.

This pdf attached should answer many of your questions.  Refer to your LAA 
limitations on what can be done if in the UK or if in other parts of the wo
rld, where there is more autonomy, you can see how successful brake install
ations were made and be assured of success.  Making the installation is one
 thing, making is serviceable and structurally sound is imperative.

The Europa cutout mod is fairly easy to fabricate on your own, but be sure 
to properly secure the area cut out for returning the structural strength o
f the module.  I have repaired a number of minor Europa mishap damaged airc
raft.  The center tunnel is a very strong truss work which, properly instal
led, will maintain cockpit integrity in a frontal crash.  It is a shame thi
s Europa Matco brake mod is so expensive.  Others have simply used the foot
 brake brackets turned upside down and fastened them to the tunnel top near
 the throttle.  It works fine but again, the cockpit module was not designe
d for brake mounting in that area.  Look at how the single cylinder brake w
as mounted in the mono.  That install is installed in shear. If you mount t
he Kart Kraft brakes in the same manner as some of us have on the top of th
e tunnel, a bending moment pulling on the handles is a peel pull which glas
s does not handle as well.  It is imperative the top of the tunnel be reinf
orced properly with aluminum plate and additional glass.  It is hard to bel
ieve you can pull over 400 pounds on a little 9 inch handle.  That is over 
300 foot pounds of bending on that glass area you just put holes and slots 

Since 1999 I have assisted folks in installing brake systems and much was l
earned.  The pdf attached is a summary of that learning curve.

Best Regards,

Bud Yerly

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From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of phillik747 <>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 7:18:14 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Trigear brakes

I'm hope everyone is doing well.  I have taken too long of a vacation from 
building and going to get back into it.  Last I left off I was getting the 
finger brakes ready.

 Since my kit is a mono wheel conversion I don't have F28 & F29 for the 'sh
elf' that the master cylinders rest on.

 Does anyone have these for sale?

  I like the idea of working on the brakes from above vs creating an access
 panel from below.  I'm sure I can order them from Europa but at a premium 
(US costs).

Thank you,

Europa Tri-gear (under construction)

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