I am trying to manually calibrate my fuel sight gauge, and also the fuel sender,
attached to my Dynon Skyview. The fuel sender is the Lyndhurst LTS3a, which
I understand is no longer in production. It was purchased and installed by the
original builder, when the project was started back in 1999. The sender is not
located in the tank, but is in a separate cylinder behind the passenger
so it is easy to access. I have attached a pdf with instructions on how
to calibrate the sender when it is attached to a VDO type fuel gauge, but I have
not fitted a VDO gauge, as I want to provide the information via the Skyview.
The instructions for calibrating the sender states that it should be calibrated
downwards from a full tank, whereas the Skyview instructions state the
is started from an empty tank, upwards, which is the procedure I have followed.
At the same time, I manually calibrated the sight gauge, which is next
to the fuel sender cylinder. Skyview recommend filling the tank in 5 litre
and the Skyview wizard records the change in voltage at each stage, to calibrate
the gauge to the fuel added. At a couple of stages, there is no change
in the voltage, probably because the sender has only 8 switches, and the tank
takes 11 x 5 litre fills before becoming full at 56 litres.
All seemed well as I filled the tank, marked off the sight gauge, and followed
the wizard. However, as I empty the tank, again in 5 litre drains, both the
gauge, and Skyview readout exaggerate the amount left in the tank at various
stages. I have drained off 40 litres of fuel, yet the sight gauge, and the
Skyview gauge read 30 litres when my maths tell me there is only 16 litres left
in the main tank (I have separately measured the contents of the reserve tank
at 9 litres). This would seem to indicate a faulty fuel sender, maybe the float
is sticking in the cylinder ? Before I dismantle the sender from the cylinder,
I wondered if anyone else has come across a similar problem, and if so, what
sender has been used as a replacement. I read from a search on here that the
MOD 60 from Europa for this type of sender now uses one that has 16 switch
positions (so should be more accurate) ; has anyone experience of retro fitting
this type, or can recommend an alternative sender ?
Bob Dawson
XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ
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