My very simplistic schoolboy way of looking at it is like this:
VNE - the criteria is the SPEED at which the air molecules pass over the
but not particularly the amount of them. Hence its the actual speed through
the air (True Air Speed) that is relevant.
ASI actual reading is determined by the pressure of the air molecules in the
tube - which amongst other factors is determined by altitude. For a given
true air speed (actual speed through the air) the higher up you are the less
air molecules there are so the lower the ASI reads. (Or the other way around,
for a given IAS, the higher you climb the greater the TAS will be). For the
same reason the stalling speed is related to IAS and not TAS - amongst other
variables its the VOLUME of air molecules passing over the wing that keeps it
flying, not just the speed of them!
Classic Mono
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