Hi Bill,
The aluminium elbow I distribute is for the XS both Monowheel and Tri Gear. It
also can be used for the Monowheel Classic which has incorporated the Baggage
Mod and MTOW increase. It connects with the white plastic cobra from the fuel
inlet, supplied by the XS Kit, replacing the rubber elbow, to the tank inlet.
I can put you on the list. Once a UKLAA Mod. approval is reached and the cost is
of production is agreed upon, then I shall let you know.
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand
Mob +64 210640221
> On 9/01/2018, at 4:35 AM, willydewey <willydewey@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am considering replacement of the rubber connector from the tank to the
> cobra
fitting.. Engineering suggest that the existing rubber pipe requires inspection
before the next flight.
> My anxiety is squeezing or removing this item will destroy it in any event
> hence
the need to order an aluminium tube and connecting rubbers ASAP
> I gather someone is taking orders for the tube for delivery from NZ and the
> rubbers
are from Tim Ward. I would like to be included in these bulk orders.
> willydewey@gmail.com
> Bill Dewey G-IANI
> --------
> Give a wise man knowledge and he will be yet wiser
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=477195#477195