Chris, I have never come across such a thing in this country or Europe
and I would be amazed if the LAA would ever approve it. It seems to be
asking to seriously reduce the strength in a fairly critical area. It
might be worthwhile for you to send pictures to Andy Draper and ask for
his views. Regards, David Joyce, GXSDJ
On 2018-01-24 15:27, n7188u wrote:
> Dear forum members,
> The kit I got (XS Mono) has a modification made in the canoe where the two
> small
fuel fitting holes at the bottom where converted to a large single gaping
hole (ugh!).
> Not a fan of this modification since I am more about strength than convenience
and I also think it will upset the fitting of the cockpit module some (bumps
on the inside where glass was added to create a flange around the hole)
> So my question is whether this is a documented mod (this is the US so it
> doesn't
have to be a formal approved mod). But I am looking for size and how other
people have built the flange, etc. as well as whether this mod is OK and being
done out there (experiences, history).
> Best,
> Chris
> Read this topic online here:
> [1]