As per David Joyce's response, this area of the fuselage is load bearing and is
fairly highly stressed for symmetric and asymmetric lifting loads (from the
A large hole with a cover will likely pass load via the flange/fasteners
- this is not good practice. Without the cover the corner stresses will
be very high, potentially leading to damage. The aircraft design philosophy
for damage tolerance is 'no growth', requiring there to be sufficient strength
for inherent damages (incurred during factory build and by individual users
processes, plus in-service accumulation of damage) - so as not to compromise
the original MS/RF calculated.
The two 'standard' access holes are small for a reason.
I continue to progress the loads and stressing work on the Europa, this is being
done as a R&D side project in my business. The aim is to fully understand the
structural margins that exist in the XS structure and, if possible, show a
modest MAUW increase (possibly aligned with the US commonly used MTOW). The
is being conducted as per a clean sheet design. I intend to write some
articles for the Club Mag.
John Wighton
Europa XS trigear G-IPOD
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