Hi Tim,
Yes please! I would love to have your alum pipe, if its not too much of a ha
ssle for you to ship it to me here in ottawa canada. :-)
Payment via paypal?
Cheers and thx,
> On Jan 27, 2018, at 4:38 AM, Tim Ward <ward.t@xtra.co.nz> wrote:
> To: Builders/Owners interested in the Aluminium Fuel Elbow.
> Hi All
> Brian Davies has kindly applied to the UKLAA for Modifications approval re
garding the fuel filler elbow from the cobra to the tank. These should be si
gned off shortly.
> He has presented two options, one being the 53 degree aluminium pipe I sup
ply and the other the AutoSilicon 60 degree hose.
> There is a considerable price difference regarding the two systems.
> Before ordering the aluminium pipes I need a firm commitment from you as I
don=99t want to end up with unsold pipes. If you decide not to go wit
h the aluminium pipe then I entirely understand.
> The cost of the aluminium pipe would be =C2=A325 each plus postage within U
K as I can transport them there myself, although the cost is not a lot less f
rom sending them direct from NZ.
> This is double the cost of the AutoSilicon 60 degree pipe which is =C2=A31
2.42 each plus postage.
> http://www.autosiliconehoses.com/
> Four fuel Clips and hose couplings are an added cost for the builder/owner
in both options.
> http://www.merlinmotorsport.co.uk/
> Please email me if you still would like the Aluminium Tube.
> Look forward to your reply.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> Tim Ward
> 12 Waiwetu Street,
> Fendalton,
> Christchurch, 8052
> New Zealand
> ward.t@xtra.co.nz
> Mob +64 210640221