So the saga continues.
New Dynon screen installed and working fine.
I chickened out of remodeling the entire instrument panel. I have decided
to install a cluster of 1.25" round instruments for back up.
- Tach
- Oil temp
- Oil press
- Ammeter (I am going to install a hall effect sensor for the Dynon and
use the shunt for the round gauge)
- Fuel pressure.
Now you all educated me as to the fact that you cant run two gauges of a
single resistive senders.
It turns out that all temp senders are resistive. Just for the info of
anyone else who is doing this, UMA can make a dual sensor sender - one with
two sensors with two different connections so that solves the temperature
However UMA tells me that voltage based senders can in fact power more than
one gauge. So the solution is simply to buy the round gauges and use the
Dynon sensors kit to power both Dynon Screen and round gauges.
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744