I would think Carole or Nev's son would know the friend? Not Nev's friend?G
On Thursday, 8 March 2018, 18:00, Roger Sheridan <rogersheridan@mac.com
> wrote:
Sorry! meant to send that direct.
On 8 Mar 2018, at 17:56, Roger Sheridan <rogersheridan@mac.com> wrote:
Thanks Mike,
Carole said the workshop stuff went to Matthew Russell but he says he doesn
=99t have the jig.I=99d really like to track down the friend, c
an you think who might know his identity?
On 7 Mar 2018, at 08:02, mike.davies210 <mike.davies210@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi RogerI worked with Nev to get the mount approved with the laa. I had two
mounts made in his jig one was used for ultimate strain testing and the ot
her went into my aircraft. The last time I spoke to Nev he was having diffi
culty=C2- sourcing the castings for the rubber shock mounts.I still have
a sample of these. I also did the CAD drawing for Nev and still have the fi
le and the stressing report we got approved. The jig went to one of Nev's f
reinds son who had just got his TIG certificate but I haven't a clue who th
is was so this doesn't really help sorry.
Best Regards
Mike Davies
Sent from Samsung tablet.
-------- Original message --------From: Roger Sheridan <rogersheridan@mac.c
om> Date: 06/03/2018 20:48 (GMT+00:00) To: europa-list@matronics.com Subjec
t: Europa-List: Nev's Engine Mount
Dear All,
I believe that Nev=99s firewall forward design kept the engine in the
same location as the XS but with a simpler, one piece, LAA approved engine
Is there any reason not to use this mount on an XS install & does anyone kn
ow who has the jig.