If you can wait until tuesday i can give you a flight report.
I have just fitted a Levil in the roof between the doors but havent flown
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 10:25 AM, willydewey <willydewey@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I have bought an iLevil 3SW and would appreciate advice where to fit it
> avoiding or minimising magnetic effects.. It could go on or under the
> parcel shelf on my 914 trigear or in the roofspace between the doors, I a
> just not sure hence the plea for advice.
> We have just completed the LAA mod for the replacement rubber at the lowe
> end of the polypropylene filler using the specified bent aluminium tube a
> the fluorsilicate connecting pieces It was a simple process, however the
> original rubber elbow was found to be in perfect condition with no signs
> deterioration whatsover. Another =C2=A385 wasted but well worth the inspe
> --------
> Give a wise man knowledge and he will be yet wiser
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=478666#478666