My tri with 912 turbo, airmaster, single screen dynon plus dual axis
autopilot came out at 920lbs. Cg bang in the middle of the cg range.
Speed kit not installed yet.
On Fri, Apr 13, 2018, 17:06 flyingeuropa <> wrote:
> Hello again,
> after going in some more detail I'm still wondering if I could make the
> published empty weight of 387kg/853lbs as mentioned on the website.
> Would you do me a favour and post the empty weights and CG of your trigear
> maybe with a short summary of the main components ( engine, prop, avionic).
> I saw the "a plane is born" movie by Mark Evans. What a cool guy,
> everthing looked so doable. From your builders point of view, what is the
> most difficult/challenging work? The flight controls are now already done
> as far as I understood.
> Thanks again for your help!
> Simon
> Read this topic online here: