A question for Dynon avionic Europa builders,
The servo wiring diagram for the Dynon servos seems to indicate that
each power and ground wires from the servos should run and be connected
separately to the power source. As these servos are relatively close
together in my installation, can I not have them connected to single
power and ground wires, so I just have two wires running through the
fuselage to the panel rather than four? Maybe a single 20 AWG wire won't
be big enough to run power to both servos?
Similarly, the yellow disconnect wires are shown being connected to a
momentary switch but can I not just connect the two yellow wires
together at the servo end and have a single yellow wire running up to
the switch? As far as I can tell this is just a trigger to ground
through the switch so there is no real 'current' flowing through it as such.
Martin Tuck
Europa N152MT