Hi Will,
I also recently had the joy of fitting the speed kit to my Europa. I didn't
the brackets catching on the disk hex bolts, but I did find that the wire
locking I had used on them was catching the edge of the starboard wheel spat.
I ensure that the pigtail was folded flat against the disk, then filed some
more of the wheel opening, and it did the trick, (the telltale clicking from
the wheel when manually maneuvering the aircraft disappeared).
Your post will prompt me to check the overall clearance of the brackets, but I
didn't notice a problem when fitting them.
I have had good results in clearing off excess silicon adhesive with acetone,
if you are worried about the effect of this, you could try acetone-free nail
polish remover. Following a tip on here, I used this to good effect in clearing
off some small paint splatter on my door window edges, after I had fitted
and painted the fittings for the re-positioning of the door struts. However, I
am no expert on the chemical effects of cleaning agents, so would defer to
knowledge in this area.
I took the instructions at face value regarding silicon adhesive being strong
to hold together the leg fairings, until one of them disappeared on my
maiden flight. I have now secured all three with tie wraps, not quite
as pleasing aesthetically, but definitely more secure.
Did you fit bulkheads to the front & rear of the spats ? I haven't yet, but as
I hope to do some strip flying, it may be an option I will adopt.
Bob Dawson
Europa XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ || Dynon Skyview || PilotAware || SmartAss3
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