Today I went flying in stronger winds and more turbulence than is my custom.
51 years of flying, with tens of thousands of hours both military and
I prefer the quiet life. Circumstances dictated that I should make today's
flight and although the turbulence was considerably less than the worst I've
experienced, the bumps were quite short and sharp.
With each such abrupt bump, I felt through the airframe something which I've
noticed before in my Europa viz. a resonant short duration vibration which
I could only attribute to a shuddering in the wings. It wasn't alarming and I
didn't feel the need to reduce speed. There definitely wasn't any "cobblestone"
turbulence such as I have previously encountered a few times.
The flight was done at 1500' to 2000' AGL and I'm just wondering whether any of
you have experienced something similar. Perhaps it's peculiar to the Scottish
hilly environment, but I doubt that! My engine is securely mounted, because I
had the cowls off yesterday and checked the engine frame closely.
Just curious!
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