So it was like a car trip when dad wont stop.
I have a peepee tube....i need coffee in the mornings with predictable
results 45 mins later. Its not an entirely "watertight" process so I plan
to add adult diapers for the longer legs required to get me to miami.....
By the way id like see see designs for relief tubes....perhaps offline as
this is a family show.
I have a 10 gal turtlepack bladder in cradle that is strapped to the tie
bar. The fuel is fed to the tank via a facet pump. I made a push button
operating switch per buds comments. I transferred the fuel every 20
mins, you can feel the pump operating and you can see the fuel rising up
the cobra. The pump feels different when sucking air and when the fuel in
the bladder is expended....
William Daniell
+57 310 295 0744
On Sun, Jul 1, 2018, 13:59 Rowland Carson <> wrote:
> On 2018-06-30, at 23:10, William Daniell <>
> wrote:
> FWIW today I took flew 338nm starting with 27 gals and landed with 11.5.
> 2:50 flight time according to my dynon.
> William - my worst personal Europa endurance test was right-seat in Tim
> Houlihan=99s G-BZTH when I drank a bottle of water while hanging ar
> waiting for his flight plan to mature - and then omitted to make a
> pre-takeoff rudder inspection. The flight was only 2 hours but it seemed
> lot longer! I could not persuade Tim to deviate from his flight plan for
> comfort stop.
> Attached is a plot of a longer flight in the same aircraft which was MUCH
> more comfortable, thanks to better preflight actions. I can=99t rem
ember how
> much fuel was left at landing, but we were both comfortabe with it. 407.3
> statute miles = 353.95 nautical miles, flight time 3:20.
> in friendship
> Rowland
> | Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
> | <>
> | Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson