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Europa-List: Re: Appeal to European Europa owners, aviation Garmin quest

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Appeal to European Europa owners, aviation Garmin question
From: Richard Lamprey <>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2018 23:25:09

Dear Roland, thanks so much, and my apologies for the slow reply, I have been on
wildlife survey in southwestern Uganda ( a place with no internet);  sadly not
in my Europa but in a 51-year old Cessna 182!

Your information is very useful.  I am quite surprised that none of your units
show large deviation from an Ordinance survey MSL datum, given that the 
of WGS84 spheroid from MSL is highest in northern Europe (about 70 m).  I
suspect there might be a geoid correction in there somewhere, or possibly a 
correction (certainly for the Dakota).

If you get to a beach sometime, that would be interesting!
Thanks again ,

all best Richard

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