I'm in the process of installing a new panel with a.o. a TRIG TY91 radio and
TT21 transponder with remote control heads.
The radio units have been installed on a tray under the baggage area, and I am
now wondering what the easiest way is to route the wire bundles for those
to the instrument panel.
To my dislike the builder has routed most electrical wires as well as fuel lines
through the tunnel, but I am going to leave that for now. This however makes
the tunnel an already 'busy place', and I do not want to create problems with
existing wires and lines so I need to be careful when routing the new wire
Routing the bundles across the bottom floor and then work them upwards to the
of the tunnel (which is my preferred position, above the fuel ilnes) is going
to be a problem as a number of wires/lines is running from port to starboard,
effectively making this approach impossible.
Another idea I had was to use some sort of flexible 'pipe' with 2" diameter, and
work that through the tunnel first to use is as a guide to pull the bundles
through. Problem with this approach however is that it will be hard to properly
connect the bundle to the top of the tunnel. Additional trouble factor is that
the DB connectors for the control heads is of the fixed type that cannot be
opened up to allow for a smaller diameter.
Any suggestions for others options to pull this off? I appreciate all the advise
I can get.
Marcel Zwakenberg
XS TG || 912ULS || PH-SBR
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