IMHO, if you want it "properly tuned" you have to do it yourself. The
purchased one will not be, but will be good enough.
Jan de Jong
(getting back to building, I promise).
On 10/22/2018 5:27 PM, n7188u wrote:
> Dear forum members,
> So these last two weekends I got the top fuselage bonded, firewall back taped,
mass balance column top bracket done and I just have to bond the mass balance
top stop to be done with this stage off the fuselage assembly. It is now time
to start the wings (I did fuselage before wings because of space constraints).
> The question I have for the group is which of the AAE dipole antennas is more
appropriate for installation in the sternpost, the straight or 90 degree
one? I bought a used Becker radio from Germany, will be getting the radio
in a couple of weeks and would like to try it. Having the antenna will help.
I could of course build one with the ferrites and copper tape but figure that
for the price might as well get something properly tuned and be over with.
> BTW, is it better to install the antenna forward or aft the sternpost? I read
a posting from someone that installed outside (aft) but it required cutting a
square hole on the post and I am not to crazy about that idea (weakening?)
> Regards,
> Chris