Chapter 9, Fig 27 shows the FL9 bushing is installed with loctite. We didnt
the aluminum parts, so no reaming was necessary. Its been 15 years, so we could
be wrong, but it seems like it was a snug, but not press, fit.
Chapter 9, Fig 18 shows that FL19 and FL20 are mounted inboard of W18 and FL1 or
FL2 but the sketch Fig 27 implies they are outboard of W18. We had completed
the install of FL1 & FL2 in the flap prior to mating to the wing. To get proper
alignment of the flap to the wing, our FL19 (inboard) is mounted inboard
of W18 and FL1 is mounted outboard of FL19 and in the center, FL20 (center) is
mounted outboard of W18 and FL2 is mounted inboard of FL20. Not aesthetically
pleasing, but it works.
We didnt find it necessary to trim flap tube FL15.
Be sure to also note that W18 for the outboard flap hinge and outrigger has
holes in it, not two like the inboards ones (see Chapter 9, Fig 12). This is
apparently often missed.
We incorporated Europa Club Mod 10661, Outrigger Pivot Bearing, during the build
and it has worked well.
Hope this helps.
Jim & Heather
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