Just a quick note on the FWF for a Europa.
Make your life easy and install nutplates for as much as you can. Get prop
er tools for dimpling metal, the TAPK 33 and 36 rivets are fine for FWF wor
k. Install nutplates in the cowl.. I don=92t use camlocks or quick release
s as they get dropped, lost, break, and are of many different lengths. I u
se 507 stainless AN screws from 1/2 down the sides, 5/8, and =BE to 1 inch
for the circumference and longer ones for the lower cowl area.
All ducting mounted to the aircraft should be on nutplates. Contact me off
line for how to do cowl nutplates single handedly.
Once the engine is on, level and with proper offset, fit your spinner backp
late to the prop flange. Install your exhaust system.
The CKT exhaust must be installed as far aft as is possible for proper clea
rance. The Rotax muffler should be as far aft as possible also. Make sure
the exhaust knuckles or cups in the muffler are properly sealed.
Fit the cowl next and make sure the it is aligned with the spinner. Don=92
t make the mistake of fitting the back first then the sides. Tape the lowe
r cowl on first. Yes use painters tape. It is best to get a good fit down
the sides. Then check if the cowl must be cut to clear the muffler, exhau
st pipes, etc. Mark the lower cowl for aft side fit. I like 1/8 inch from t
he spinner and its backplate to the cowl. Install a cleco if you have to i
n the lower cowl and tape the front of the cowl to the spinner/backplate to
hold the front up. The upper cowl goes on next. It may overhang a bit.
Trim the upper for a smooth fit. Cleco together to a nice smooth finish pu
lling the upper cowl as you drill for a tight fit. Then apply the rest o
f the clecos.
Pull the cowl when satisfied.
Install the ducting next. It=92s a waste to paint it first. Get it clear
anced and fitted first.
Plan for access to your hose clamps. Trial fit the radiator and oil cooler
for proper fastener clearance and orientation. Usually one =BC inch bolt
for the radiator doubles as a brace bolt also. A thin set of ignition wren
ches works to hold the bolt heads during install with the nuts on the outbo
ard side. The starboard side brace can use a hole to get to the radiator c
lamp. I like to get to the oil ones via the top or back. Yes a long exten
sion can get to the hose clamps on a normal trigear, but for the mono/Singl
eton firewall you must get it on from the back. Always Clearance around t
he muffler on the port side. Cut that half moon that is there out a bit mo
re to suite... Yes some of the metal on the duct can be cut down a bit. D
rill and cleco per the manual. This will make any changes to your hoses an
d whatnot a simple task of a few seconds with a ratcheting wrench. Don=92t
fret about the two nutplates in the rear duct. Use a Dremel with a Permag
rit or other routing bit and make your relief of the fire wall material and
dimple your nutplate and rivet it home.
Finally, don=92t forget that a couple of special tools will make your job e
asier. Make a short wrench to support and tighten the oil fittings by cutt
ing off existing proper wrenches to fit.
See my cooling 101 article on my website to get ducting ideas.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
Custom Flight Creations, Inc.
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From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> on behalf of Rowland Carson <>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 1:48:14 PM
Subject: Europa-List: order of assembly for cooling duct, radiators and hos
I=92m trying to figure out the optimum sequence of assembly (or even a sequ
ence that is possible!) for the various cooling items on my XS monowheel, w
ith Neville Eyre cowl and Rotax 912S.
I=92ve listed which things need to be done before others - eg:
The long bolts and spacers securing the oil cooler will be much easier to f
it before the duct is mounted to the firewall.
The bolts holding the duct sides to the CD4/CD5 brackets are obstructed by
the oil cooler and water radiator, so need to be fitted first
The hose clips for the oil cooler connexions are hidden by the water radiat
or so need to be fitted before the radiator is installed (or can I get at t
hem from the aft side?)
The hose clips for the water radiator connexions will be out on top of the
duct so should be fitted before the duct is installed (or can I get at them
by reaching down through the engine mount?)
. . . and so it goes on . . .
Has anyone got a sequence of assembly that works? Or on the other had, can
anyone offer suggestions about what definitely NOT to do?
in friendship
| Rowland Carson ... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...
| <>
| Skype, Twitter: rowland_carson Facebook: Rowland Carson