For what its worth i reinforced the whole closeout including joint between
the aileron balance boxes and the lower surface of the wing. I used flox
on all the sharp corners. Dont go over the upper side of the aileron
balance boxes otherwise you'll have difficulty with putting the top skin on
William Daniell
XS 912 turbo airmaster Dynon Skyview with 100 Flight
+57 310 295 0744
On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 1:28 PM n7188u <> wrote:
> Dear Europa forum members,
> I am getting ready to reinforce the aileron closeouts on the wings
> (chapter 8). Figure 8 of this chapters says to apply the reinforcement full
> length but not to flox the aileron balance areas. The question is: is the
> BID reinforcement applied also over the balance areas or not? The
> indication not to use flox would point to not reinforcing the balance areas
> and the reference to full length is just indicating the reinforcement is
> along the entire closeout (but not on the balance areas).
> is my understanding correct?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> Read this topic online here: