Mike and others with CS props,
If your prop is an Airmaster, the maintenance is in the installation/operat
ors manual. Very clear.
Other props, good luck. Go to your manufacturer or the chat room for a pro
p no longer in production to get the manuals.
Typically your brushes are worn and no longer make solid contact. If an el
ectric prop cannot be used in manual, normally go to your prop manual and c
hange your brushes if they are worn.
Next is the actual micro switches used. Again, simple to trouble shoot by
inspection. Again, the troubleshooting guide is available from the prop ma
Finally if the prop will not respond in general I always start at the front
of the prop, check the motor by disconnecting the leads from the prop, and
use a 9-12 volt power source (as per your particular manufactuer) to drive
the motor. If the motor works, fine, if not replace it. Most likely the
prop manufacturer has an upgraded motor as electric motor and gearbox techn
ology has improved significantly. Follow the leads back through to the bru
sh rings. Pretty simple on an Airmaster, the wires are color coded. Then
once the fault is found, it becomes obvious.
For the Airmaster we have documentation on request. Our electrical trouble
shooting guide is attached for your review.
As Gary Leinberger (388SG) said tongue in cheek: =93I=92m going to write a
book on how to troubleshoot by going to the last thing I checked and found
the solution. I=92ll make millions.=94 Seems that is the way it works.
When we build airplanes, we builders have all the manuals on all the system
s, we make drawings, photos and document our airplanes. Without these manu
als, and the familiarity with them, proper maintenance is difficult to impo
ssible to perform properly.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
US Airmaster Dealer
Custom Flight Creations, Inc.
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From: Mike Kelly<mailto:mike@dommi.plus.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 9:11 AM
Subject: Europa-List: NSI CAP 140 Problem
Hello All,
I am experiencing a problem with the variable pitch on the Europa.
The pitch has become fixed in the "fine" position.
The slip ring is good and voltages appearing on the slip ring seem ok.
Does anyone have a description/wiring diagram of the system, or can anyone
pass on knowledge of where the problem might be?
Does anyone have a service manual that may help.
A cross section view of the mechanism would be great!
Many thanks in anticipation.
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