Those are guide lines in the pre-preg used for the kit parts supplied ready-
made. Builders can ignore them.
in friendship
sent from Rowland's iPhone
> On 3 Aug 2019, at 10:20, Gilles Thesee <> wrote:
>> Le 03/08/2019 =C3- 10:37, Rowland Carson a =C3=A9crit :
>> See this page for how it should look when sorted:
> Hi all,
> Please pardon this question from an outsider.
> On several Europa pictures some lines and squares can be seen on the insid
e skin of the aircraft.
> Are those lines related to some left-over peel ply, or is there some other
purpose, reason, origin for those lines ?
> Best regards,
> --
> Gilles THESEE
> Avionics & Systems
> +33 6 61 93 29 74
> <nkcjnchobcpkakkp.jpg>
> Batiment D1 =93 6 Rue Aristide Berg=C3=A8s
> 17 180 P=C3=A9rigny - France
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