I would hesitate to ream spar bushes. My experience is that when the wings
are in the right position the pins go in easily but when the wings are not
in the right position putting the pins in is from tough to impossible. In
my case the right position requires adjustment to wing position both in
dihedral (tip up/down) and cord (twist) if that makes sense. The right
combination results in the pins going in easily.
William Daniell
On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 8:54 AM jglazener <> wrote:
> I have finally got the wings on and the bolts in. Bit of a black art since
> you can't look in and have no idea what you are doing. Once the lift pins
> have been bonded that should at least be repeatable but I still foresee
> that getting the spar pins in and out easily will still be difficult.
> Reaming at that point, as mentioned by Ian Ricard in his instructions would
> be the obvious choice. Any body done this, and if so do you still have the
> reamer and could lend it to me?
> --------
> Jeroen
> Read this topic online here: