> On Aug 13, 2019, at 6:57 AM, n7188u <chmgarb@gmail.com
<mailto:chmgarb@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Freddy,
> Thanks for the Arnold video. Found it really inspiring, to the point I
am now reading Hoerner's book on drag reduction.
> I will not go crazy with this project but I am planning on leaving my
Europa light and ugly at the beginning to be able to experiment with it
a little.
> And no, I don't think I will have the patience to profile the wings
down to .003" as Arnold did in the AR5. Impressive!!!
ChrisThat photo of the =9Cracing Lancair=9D
prompted me to revisit Mike Arnold=99s workI=99d
purchased his original VCR tapes years ago. Mr. Google led me to his
youtube site and all of the follow-on videosvery sad to learn
of his passing in 2015.
I am dazzled by your builder=99s log and the pace at which you are
proceeding with your build. Although one of my mantras is =9Cto
manage the degree of novelty=9D, I=99ve found I am simply a
lousy manager as notions as simple of wanting to =9Cimprove=9D
the aesthetics of =9Cthe doghouse=9D have led mesome
would sayastray.