Good morning,
I=99ve had fuel leaking from the Classic fuel filler hose and looking t
o complete Mod SM13070 incorporating the Aluminium Tubing rather than the ru
bber hose. I have emailed John Archer (who manufactures the aluminium tube) t
o enquire about purchasing one. John has said that he cannot supply the tube
s on a one-off basis as the company has a set-up charge, so will require a b
atch to be made. The last batch made was for 12 people and cost =C2=A3250 pe
r tube.
Does anyone else require this Mod, and be willing to =98join forces
=99? Please let me know as soon as you can. If not, it=99ll be the E
uropa Mod79 rubber hose for me.
Thanks in advance, happy flying.
Craig Sweenie