Use the Ampreg for filling, but mix some colloidal silica with it. That way you
can add 30% more filler and it will still spread.
Use the Redux to mend things in the house; or non structural stuff in the
> On 6 Oct 2019, at 11:02, flyingphil2 <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> After a few years playing with another type of 'Euro' aircraft, I'm now
> helping
someone with their Tri-Gear kit.
> I'm doing an inventory and of course have got a load of out of date Ampreg 20
and Redux 420. The Ampreg 20 expired in 2002 and the Redux 420 in 2003.
> I'm sure this is all destined for the bin but 'Europa folklore' suggests that
the Ampreg could be used for surface filling of the control surfaces. Is this
true? Will it still go off and can it still be used for non structural
I note it's the '20' and so understand that for H&S reasons we may want
to use 21 instead.
> If all this is fit for disposal, where can I do that in the UK? Will council
recycling centres take it?
> Thanks,
> Phil
> Read this topic online here: