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RE: Europa-List: Differential pressure tester

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Differential pressure tester
From: Bob Harrison <>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 22:18:30

Hi! Richard,
Only messaging you to renew chat acquaintance. I don't need any parts or
tools for Europa ! I was forced to hang up my flying kit recently also ! 
17th June I had a mini- stroke which indicated I had also ewndured multiple
"silent" heart attacks too. To be honest I had been wrestling with a
decision to pack up my P1 exercises , so this made up my mind for me , I had
begun to feel threatened by recent IT developments frequencies
etc. so I have to be concerned about damn medical appointments instead. I
just had  an angiogram but they found only a small blockage and it was at a
branch mening it wasn't possible to put in a stent.
I have a "pins and needles " problem with my left hand and I don't yet know
if it is caused by the stroke or the artery blockage so I am now due for a
carple tunnel op on my left wrist so I am hoping that will release some
frustration, although I still have minor pins and needles in my right wrist
after 18 months since a carple tunnel op . The surgeon had said it was like
an egg timer ! but it didn't release the other wrist as he had promised!
At least I have my driving licence back which  I had major damn
investigation exercises to endure which were an imposition when I knew I was
competent enough to actually self certify to fly ! ........a very blunt
instrument to attack my dignity, but I won through against a bloody snitch
of a nurse in the local health centre putting the boot in I have
her card marked !
Well Richard I hope this finds you and yours as well as can be. Oh! My Son
and Daughter have chosen to kick up and kept my Grand Kids on lock out which
my son has caused by emigrating to Australia without a forwarding address my
Daughter is currently marooned in Prague after trying to get full custody of
her kids from her partner, all of which is tragically against all the kids
best interests and personal wishes. If their Grandmother was alive she
wqould bang their parents heads together! So confusion reigns! 
I hope this finds you well and wish you best wishes .
Best wishes 
Bob Harrison ......and Sandra. 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard Iddon
Sent: 22 October 2019 20:54
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Differential pressure tester

Sorry Ian. Someone beat you to it. 



> On 22 Oct 2019, at 19:39, Ian Cook <> wrote:
> Richard,  
> I would like to obtain this if possible I am borrowing one from an old
mate at the moment.
> Ian Cook
> Europa XS G - CBHI
> 07912944536
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Oct 2019, at 19:35, Richard Iddon <> wrote:
>> Having hung up my flying goggles a while ago, I am now clearing out my
garage/workshop. I have come across an Aircraft Tool Supply differential
pressure tester which I used to use on my Rotax. I am reluctant to throw it
away and wondered if anyone might like it?  I am happy to send it for the
cost of postage plus a small contribution to my cycling fund. 
>> Richard Iddon
>> ex tri gear owner.

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