No personal experience with Europa though flew a tailless biplane glider for
with a BRS chute...the Cirrus install is dependent upon moulded in joggles
to accommodate the breakaway suspension straps... retrofitting same on Europa
would be a challenge while maintaining fuselage structural integrity but
doable by some adventurous lad...considerable weight penalty and, I suspect,
significant regulatory hurdles which would rule out a one-off installation.
Not sure about Ireland, but in US we call it experimental aviation.
Good luck,
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 22, 2019, at 4:46 PM, Mallard <> wrote:
> Hi guys and gals,
> I'm new here as I've just recently purchased a Classic Tri-Gear with a Rotax
912S engine.
> I based in Ireland and you may or may not know that we recently had a tragedy
in Co. Wexford (on the South East Coast) where 2 very experienced pilots (one
was a very experienced instructor) were killed when their Rollason Condor broke
up in mid air.
> This has made me think about Parachutes and I wondered if anyone has ever
> fitted
one to a Europa or know of anyone doing it. Or if anyone has looked into the
possibility/practicality of doing it.
> Cheers
> James
> --------
> Seat of my pants
> Read this topic online here: