Hello Franois, cest peut tre loccasion de passer sur du Berenger!!!?
> Le 15 janv. 2020 10:56, Franzgo <fg-europa@orange.fr> a crit :
> Hi All,
> On a classic monowheel my caliper piston is a bit corroded and even with a
> good
cleaning and polishing, after 20 years of service it would need to be
As you know Europa Aircraft ltd. no longer provides any parts for the monowheel
> However, I have read in an old post that "The Europa caliper is a clone of the
> As anyone has checked if the Cleveland pistons (p/n 79-00300) are the same of
the Europa mono ? Spruce Aircraft does not provide any dimensions about this
piston and I have neither find any information from Cleveland.
> The Europa monowheel caliper piston measures 1'3/4 in diameter (44,5mm)
> Thanks for your contribution,
> Franois
> Europa MonoW 914
> Isre, France
> --------
> Franzgo
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=494291#494291