Well guys, Corvid 19 has slipped the Sun 'n Fun Fly in to May 5-10. On 17 April
2020 I expect a confirmation from Sun 'n Fun to formalize that. Due to the
virus, I will have my Europa on display. The date slip has forced my Pipistrel
Airmaster clients to cancel so I have another opportunity to show off my
avionics and toys on N12AY.
In Florida, we are staying home, "Social Distancing" with exceptions. My social
butterfly wife can't seem to stay home. Cabin fever. I go to the shop and
work on house projects. I figure I'm a dead man walking since I have allergies,
lung damage, heart disease and constantly touch my face. So we have that going
for us.
Seriously, we are all fine here. Please heed the warnings of your health
and stay safe. We'll kill this thing, and it looks like we have some drug
combos that will relieve the symptoms without horrible side effects for those
Bud and Anita Yerly
Custom Flight Creations, Inc.
N12AY, Airmaster Dealer
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