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Re: Europa-List: Sun 'n Fun 2020 Canceled!

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Sun 'n Fun 2020 Canceled!
From: <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 07:08:35

We can still converse on line or via video chat if necessary, to answer all 
questions with what knowledge I have.  With this stay at home recommendation,
my plane is completely ready to go places now.  New Com/EFIS/ADS-B but no place
to go.  I'll be through fixing up the house by next month and need something
to do.  Perhaps many of us can meet at Oshkosh this year now that Sun 'n Fun
has been canceled for the year.

As far as my gruff attitude, you saw right through me didn't you.  I lost Nev 
was a riot to chat with about modifications.  Like most aircraft 
I have talked to across the US, we do get gruff about folks that want
to reinvent the wheel, rather than polishing the apple and make what you have
fully understood and maintainable.  But then again, they are Experimental 
we are making.  That's the fun, headaches, and costs we have to bear.

As far as staying healthy:  
It is virus, flu, Corvid 19, asthma, and allergy season here in Florida.  You 
tell who has what ailment.  We are all hacking and coughing with inches of
pollen on our homes, vehicles, and yards.  Hence, any outdoor activity or 
is a nightmare for me and my fellow asthma sufferers.   Anita is still
heavily involved in the church and getting her to take protective measures is
tough, but she is listening.  

I have always used N95 masks and similar masks in the shop as the aircraft kits,
plywood and dust come from all over the world.  Years ago I found a method to
protect my lungs. I use the N95 mask and clean them with denatured alcohol daily
(after they air out).   I have never been healthier since doing that simple
protection.  Especially during the spring asthma season.

Please take care of yourself and your family.  I'm available for advice, and so
far am keeping up with the emails directly to my email address.
I only get to the matronics list weekly.

Take care,

Bud Yerly

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