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Europa-List: Wheel pants help

Subject: Europa-List: Wheel pants help
From: William Daniell <>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 10:36:53
I have a couple of questions for the assembled wisdom...

I fly off a grass strip.  Grass grows quickly in florida and the mowing is
not as frequently as one would like with the consequence that the grass can
be quite long.  I have removed my wheel pants but N460HJ looks undressed
without them not to mention a slight speed penalty so Id like to have them
back on.

Bud mentioned that one needs to modify the wheel fairing so that dirt
doesn't accumulate inside the wheel pant.  Has anyone got a picture of this?

I feel that the attachment method is not robust enough when the grass has
not been mowed for a while.  Has anyone modified the attachment method?



William Daniell
+1 786 878 0246

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