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Europa-List: Re: Wheel pants help

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Wheel pants help
From: John Wighton <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 02:09:14

My tri-gear using the standard spats and wheels with 2 x vertical 1/8in lite-ply
formers set approx 2-3in into each main spat moulding.  The nosegear spat has
a similar plywood former in the aft moulding.  All spats have a 1/4in drain
hole on the underside.

In winter the mud accumulates in the void around the wheel, I normally remove it
using a [small] pressure washer.  On odd occasions when it was left and has
dried it shrinks and is prone to lock a wheel when man-handling the aircraft on
the ground.  

I once weighed the [wet] mud extracted - approx 10lbs.

If l was to redesign the spats l would add a mud-guard internally - set around
2in from the tyre outer radius.  This would limit the mud but possibly also 
the risk of it getting heavily bunged up.

All of my spats have carbon tows laid around the wheel aperture - this avoids 
in the woven GF propagating.  I leave around 1/2in gap around each tyre.

John Wighton
Europa XS trigear G-IPOD

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