A couple of years ago I found out Aeropoxy supplies the adhesives used to
the Cirrus so I had a conversation with them since I wanted an alternative
to 420 (because the price was outrageous). They recommended one of their
toughened epoxies adhesives which is equivalent to that used to manufacture
the Cirrus. Equivalent because the PN of the stuff used in the Cirrus
comes in drums and the one I got you can buy a quart but same epoxy according
to them. I ended up using the 420 for critical structural stuff and the aeropoxy
for not so critical items. The stuff is great, easy to work with and I did
pull and impact test on our planes substrates and its tough stuff. Heck, if its
good for closing the wings in the Cirrus it should be ok for non ultra critical
stuff (actually in my opinion its as good as 420). It is much much less
than 420.
I can get you the number once I get to my hangar. BTW, usual disclaimer: Im not
claiming its good for your application. Use at your own risk. But I like it and
you dont have to be Boeing to buy it :)
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