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Europa-List: Re: 2020 Europa Club AGM

Subject: Europa-List: Re: 2020 Europa Club AGM
From: BobD <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 05:01:15

Just a quick update, we now have 81 confirmed attendees for the on-line AGM to
be held at 18:30 UTC on Saturday 16th May 2020, the largest number we have ever
seen for this annual event.

It's not too late to register if you haven't already done so. Just send an 
headed "2020 AGM - Yes " to either the secretary (,
or myself, (, and we will ensure you get the
necessary invite to join the meeting.

Due to security reasons it will not be possible to join on the day, if you have
not pre-registered.

Bob Dawson
The Europa Club

Bob Dawson
Europa XS TG || 912 ULS || G-NHRJ || Dynon Skyview || PilotAware || SmartAss3

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