Sorry to hear that it was such a disappointment.
Sadly, Carls bird flew under the regulator radar for a while it seems.
Definitely not representative of the normal, but I have seen many in the North
american area (both certified and experimental) who operate their craft skirting
the regs. :-(
> On Apr 30, 2020, at 9:55 AM, John Kirkgaard <> wrote:
> Thanks.
> Karls Europa is now in Denmark. After checking it I found that the wings had
been damaged and needed to be repaired. (Wind had been 'repaired' by hiding the
severe damage with filler and paint. Firewall was partly cut away - flaps tube
were put together using plywood - I had to send the engine to Rotax Service
Center to be taken apart and updated - wiring partly done by parts from DYI
shop- and....
> The Danish 'EAA' are very surprised to see what they can get along with in
> Canada.
And will now change the rules for importing home-build from Canada.
> But I will make it.. just need time and lot of $$$
> Read this topic online here: