Remember all the posts, SBs, SLs, Sis on =93Genuine Rotax Parts=94 kept com
ing on and on?
I normally use Rotax parts on my engine because I can afford it and I plan
on selling my aircraft when I get old. My plane and I are aging similarly
by the way. But my plane is easier to touch up and is not growing hair ou
t of its ears.
The Sky-tec has the same nose seal as the Rotax. The problem with =93Joe B
ag of Doughnuts=94 installer is they fail to note the spacers and O rings t
hat go on the spindly threaded rods. Sky-tec threaded rods are not as hard
a steel as the Rotax and bend usually in shipment. I=92ve had to straight
en them and fab a new spacer to suit my liking to get the gear length exact
ly the length of the other starter, which was a waste of time. Simply rein
stall the existing spacers and the clamp and it works just fine.
The Rotax heavy MX manual shows the spacers, O rings and clamp. That rear
clamp will keep the starter securely fastened preventing the somewhat soft
threaded rods from worrying you about a sagging starter.
You just have to work around the ring mount, footwell, and any hose/electri
cal routings with cold fingers getting it all back into place without pulli
ng apart. The O rings help but I find using safety wire to hold the starte
r nose and tail tight while installing prevents the starters from falling a
part on install which can damage brushes. Once the starter starts to slip
in place, and you have not forgotten to put the clamp back on, simply cut t
he .020 safety wire off, and push it home.
I normally do starter changes and engine rubber mount changes at the same t
ime by pulling the engine on a 5 year. If you make the engine easy to disc
onnect and come off like a pod, it is a 4 hour hose, rubber, starter cleanu
p, and service rather than days of frustration.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
Sent from Mail<> for Window
s 10
From: Martin Tuck<>
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Rotax 912ULS starter motor
Nine years ago on the Rotax Owners Forum there was some commentary surround
ing the suitability of the Sky-Tec starter due to the lack of oil seal resu
lting in oil in the starter and possibly compromising the oil return system
This is explained in a Rotax service bulletin.
See Rotax Service Letter=EF=BDSL-912-014 / 914-012 / 2ST-008<https://eur
FaAdctWtKMibkk4lAEeCbYY%3D&reserved=0>=EF=BDfor more information.
That was a while ago and put me off the idea of using that starter.
Do you know if the Sky-Tec starter has since been modified to prevent this?
It doesn't sound like those who have used it have had issues like this.
Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas
On 12/1/2020 7:16 PM, Bud Yerly wrote:
In my Troubleshooting guide I mention the starter issues.
It is my opinion all Rotax engines should upgrade to the high torque starte
I=EF=BDve tried them both.=EF=BD The Rotax high torque is what I inst
alled ($1100USD), mainly because my plane was kept stock as much as possibl
e.=EF=BD For the Experimenter I recommend the Sky-Tec as it costs half (
<$500 USD) as much and is quite torquey.=EF=BD
Both spin the prop with authority, easily surpasses the ignition excitation
speed.=EF=BD With plugs in and ignition off, I see 500 RPM for a 914/91
2 and 400-450 for a 912S/iS.=EF=BD
Even with a slightly low battery, starts are crisp.=EF=BD This lengthens
the life of the sprag clutch.=EF=BD But these clutches do wear and some
where within 1000 hours even on a well maintained 912S engine with good sta
rting, it may fail.
In my Rotax troubleshooting update in March, I went into the soft start/sta
rting ignition problems of the Rotax.=EF=BD As many have learned, once t
he starter can=EF=BDt push past the compression peak at ignition, the en
gine will kick back which will quickly wear the sprag clutch.=EF=BD What
I didn=EF=BDt explain completely was when the sprag clutch begins to we
aken and slightly slip, this will exacerbate the kickback issues.=EF=BD
Adding a high torque starter on a defective clutch will not be the total an
swer to the kickback.=EF=BD Because the Rotax sprag clutch is a trapped
un-round roller type one way clutch, if the spring that holds the un-round
roller in place is loaded excessively, the spring stretches which causes th
e clutch to slip so it no longer is an effective one way clutch.=EF=BD T
he good news is there is no damage to the starter or the crank shaft when t
his happens unless the engine continues to have =EF=BDkick backs=EF
=BD with the defective clutch, then things break and fowl the engine with m
etal parts. Which means it goes from a somewhat expensive repair to a very
expensive repair. Youtube has videos on the different types of these one wa
y clutches.
I recommend that if you have an XS firewall forward (with the ring mount) t
he high torque starter will fit.=EF=BD (Note the Rotax high torque may c
ome with the tabs still attached which must be cut/ground off.=EF=BD Our
dealers in the States supply them ready to install without the tabs.)=EF
=BD I found the Sky-Tek to be well built and spun up quickly on some lig
ht sport aircraft we have around here.=EF=BD I think it is good insuranc
e for preserving the sprag clutch. =EF=BD=EF=BDThe Sky-Tek is cheaper
For those with the Classic FWF, I=EF=BDm afraid neither of the high torq
ue starter options will fit the original Classic mount.=EF=BD It is too
long by only a few millimeters, but it is too long.=EF=BD Service your s
tarter for good operation, keep the battery up, and on very cold starts, us
e engine preheat.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly<
Sent from Mail<
BjJ927NGj4zzU6x5YVH0m20%3D&reserved=0> for Windows 10
From: arwel pritchard<>
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 8:51 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Rotax 912ULS starter motor
Good morning
Has anybody replaced the starter motor on a 912ULS with a Sky-Tec model. Ap
parently, it cranks the engine faster than the standard Rotax model.
I have been quoted =EF=BD660 for this unit, seems quite expensive, but i
f it preserves the sprag clutch (which I had to replace last year at much m
ore cost) its got to be a good thing?
Just wondering if it=EF=BDs worth it.