Hi James,
You need to go to the Europa club website. Bud Yearly in the US has done a great
how to guide on this and recently donated all this work to the club, plenty
of info out there.
Sent from my iPad
> On 15 Dec 2020, at 00:52, Mallard <james@kingdom.ie> wrote:
> Dear All, Urgent help required. Today I discovered about half a litre of fuel
pooled in the baggage footwell behind the pilots seat which had wicked up to
the carpeting. The fuel is exiting the aircraft where some bolts pass through
the fuselage.
> The fuel cock was not in the Off position so I turned it off. I removed the
> port
inspection cover in the baggage area to see if any of the fuel hoses showed
any obvious signs of leaking. There was some fuel on the floor of the inspection
hatch but not signs of fuel leaking. I then mopped up the fuel in the baggage
footwell and observed that fuel appeared to still be leaking into the area
and coming from the base of the fuel tank.
> It may be that the main fuel tank is leaking and may require replacement.
> Has anyone got experience of this problem and how was it solved?
> Thankyou very much in advance for any & all advice.
> James
> --------
> Seat of my pants
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=499671#499671
> Attachments:
> http://forums.matronics.com//files/fuel_leak_baggage_footwell_image_no_1_141220_132.jpg