I my 403 began to get fuzzy and it was replaced for a nominal fee (less tha
n $60) by FlightCom/Sigtronics. No change to the panel or plug required.
Although I prefer PS Engineering circuitry and interface, frankly, the PS E
ngineering units are no better than the Sigtronics in operation.
That said, all the new Com radios have a built in intercom. They are autom
atic (but you know what automatic means, You Lose Control). They work well
1. Most of the new radios can be used in an intercom mode however, adjustm
ents must be made in the setup mode.
If you desire to change your squelch to make voice activation easier, be su
re to read the manual, commit it to memory, and be prepared to be heads dow
n in the cockpit for a bit. Research your radio on line and make a test ri
g for your audio jacks to play with it.
2. The intercom is very clear but if set at ground squelch at idle, during
takeoff you may hear nothing but static as many of these radios/intercoms
do not automatically readjust to the increase in noise well. Consequently
you have to set it for takeoff and then nearly yell to get the vox intercom
to activate prior to engine start.
3. Not all dynamic microphones are created equal so if you and the Pax hav
e different headsets/mics you must adjust the radio/intercom.
4. Most new radios have everything, blue tooth, music, telephone, aux inpu
t, etc. Depending of course on the version and how much you want to pay.
All these automatic units are neat but if the intercom fails internally, ca
n you still transmit and receive raw radio or do you deselect the intercom
(via the setup again)?
Each radio is somewhat different. Each pilots control desires are differen
t, as well as their tolerance for automatic systems that don't quite give y
ou what you desire. Failure modes are not explained well at all. For the
KRT series glider radios in a powered plane you set up thusly:
6.8.3 For motor planes
*Press button AUD 2x for VOX: Set to VOX 3 (turn off).
*Press button AUD 3x for TXm: Set to TXm**, or on condition.
*Press button AUD 5x for EXT: Set to EXT 00 (turn off), or on condition.
*Press button AUD 9x for MIC:
o Set to MIC-Level 3 or as required
o Set MC-R as required or to 1 if unused.
*Leave the menu in position "L" (not AUTO).
So one must easily only press the AUD switch a few (many) times in turbulen
ce and power setting changes and punch a button to change levels, rather th
an just adjusting the volume knob and squelch on the 403. So it comes down
to personal choice.
As far as intercom out information: I could find nothing on intercom failu
re in the KRT manual and how the radio only behaves but I'm sure the ICS is
bypassed and goes direct to radio. But never ASS-U-ME.
Example in my aircraft:
The GTR 200 ( I do not have the 200B) features a stereo integrated Intercom
System (ICS).
See the GTR 200/200B Installation Manual for installation and configuration
Setting the ICS Volume:
1) Press the MENU key. Until ICS is illuminated.
2) Turn the LARGE Knob to highlight the ICS VOL field.
3) Turn the SMALL Knob clockwise to increase, or counter clockwise to
decrease volume.
Setting the ICS Squelch:
1) Press the MENU key.
2) Turn the LARGE Knob to highlight the ICS SQ field.
3) Turn the SMALL Knob clockwise to increase, or counter clockwise to
decrease squelch. Turn the SMALL Knob one click counter clockwise
past 0% to enable ICS auto squelch.
NOTE: When Squelch is set to 0%, squelch is always open and when set to
100% squelch is always closed.
Enable/disable Pilot Isolation:
Press the Pilot Isolation Softkey if configured. Pilot Isolation mode
is only available when the Pilot Isolation Softkey is configured.
Although the Garmin is a wonderful radio, it is a Garmin, so there is a lot
of button pushing outside of just frequency changes and volume if you desi
re to use the intercom. I find I prefer to fiddle with the vox squelch IN
FLIGHT to get the least dynamic mic volume to activate the vox 403 intercom
. That is a personal preference.
I have a Pipistrel Client that loves his Garmin internal ICS with their Dav
e Clark headsets. However, they put up with the need to talk slightly loud
ly on the ground to activate it, but it is fine in flight. It is a matter
of preference. They have no idea how to change their settings, and that is
fine with them.
The Typical Flightcom/Sigtronics/PS Engineering intercoms are easy to adjus
t/isolate/and listen to music over (at least that is what I'm told as I lis
ten to the music o my 4 banger up front). THEREFORE I HAVE A STUPIC OLD IN
The Flightcom 403c can monitor or upon an incoming radio transmission, cu
t out music/pax/or isolate pax audio depending on the optional monitor swit
ch position.
Have fun and pick one of your 20,000 compromises your aircraft is made up o
f. You'll have to live with it.
Best Regards,
Bud Yerly
-----Original Message-----
From: <owner-europa-list-server@matr> On Behalf Of John Kirkgaard
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 12:49 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Intercom
--> <<>>
I'm in the process of refurbishing my instrument panel.
Amongst others I'm replacing the com radio. In the old setup a 'Flightcom 4
03' (intercom) is installed.
According to the manual of my new radio KRT2 it's possible to connect both
headsets directly to the radio without a separate installed.
Does that work well or are there any disadvantages omitting the Flightcom?
Happy New Year to all of you.
Regards John Kirkegaard
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