I had a similar problem. If cables are oil/greased in time the lubricant eve
ntually drys out and also picks up dust. And then will stick.
To solve the problem I changed to solid cables. I sent my old cable to https
://www.cable-tec.co.uk/ who made me the new cables to the length required.
There is s heat resistant grease that does not dry out, sorry I cannot reme
mber what it was. But it has worked perfectly for about 4 years with no prob
> On 2 Jan 2021, at 05:52, MEE <macstar1224@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had to abort a take-off due to poor acceleration and low manifold pressu
> Problem was caused by one throttle cable sticking at just above idle whil
e the other at full throttle!
> Even when the cable was lubricated it was still has high friction. Looks l
ike I need new cables. Think the cable system needs expandable rubber boots t
o reduce the amount of grit that must contaminate the cable runs.
> Anyone else had this problem?
> --------
> Ian McClelland
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=499940#499940