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Europa-List: Re: Delaminated flow

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Delaminated flow
From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 05:55:58

In my Vortex Generator tests and more recently the stall tests with different 
leading edge stall strips I found the plane to react quite differently with
any significant change.  

In tuft testing, placing tape and tufts at the 50% chord point significantly 
the deep stall and cruise trim characteristics.

Another really annoying thing is for those who built their ailerons true to 
and have a slight concave surface on the aileron upper side, any water or
frost still on the aft trailing edge is noticed in trim.  I use a #10 wood 
or soda straw for initial trimming simply taped as a ramp to the aileron.
It is amazing what a small amount of change as a 4 inch tab can affect roll 

I had 12AY down for a month after a local Instructor pilot flew my plane on a 
cross country and reported back that it too an annoying  amount of rudder
to keep it straight.

I checked everything.  It appears the plane was left outside in a strong 
and the rudder was banging around which caused a slack rudder cable turnbuckle
to flip the cable thimble around which shortened one cable about 1/2 inch.

Best Regards,
Bud Yerly

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