I'm looking for some advice on disposing of an abandoned project. It was going
to be a tri-gear, and was started just prior to the introduction of the XS. I
upgraded to the XS and think I received the replacement ailerons though for some
reason lost in time the spars were sent back to the factory but not returned
to me. I didnt take delivery of the prefinished wing elements. Stage 1 was built
and some bits of Stage 2, Stage 3 was not purchased. Its a long time ago
and my description might be wrong.
I lost my build partner and inspiration for the project many years ago and since
then the project has been moved from house to house, with if Im honest, a little
less love each time. Whilst I believe all the components are there I cant
be sure and dont have the appetite to check as were busy with the next house
So is an abandoned project of any use to anybody? I hate putting anything into
landfill which might be of some use.
Any advice gratefully received.
All the best,
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